What is Acupuncture and how does it work?
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Oriental medicine that stimulates certain points in the body so as to create a free-flow of qi (pronounced chee) - the universal animating life force. Optimum health is achieved when there is good movement of this force. Strategically placed needles adjust the flow of qi.

What does acupuncture treat and how can it help me?
Acupuncture can be used to treat the symptoms related to all health and medical conditions, either as a primary or complimentary treatment. Wellness, stress, depression, weight loss, infertility, strained muscles and tendons, chronic pain, orthopedic challenges, migraines and digestive disorders are just some of the health conditions that the Turning Point Staff specializes in treating.

Does it hurt? A lot?
All people experience acupuncture differently. The body's reaction to placement of acupuncture needles depends on individual physical response as well as the present state of qi. Certain areas are more susceptible to discomfort during illness, as a result of blockage of qi. That being said, the most common reaction is that of a brief, light pinch during the initial needle insertion.

Do you re-use needles?
No, we never re-use needles. All needles are new, sterilie and used only once.

What are Chinese Herbs?
Chinese herbs are supplemental and stand-alone treatments for health ailments. They typically consist of a mix of herbs, roots and other natural ingredients. Two-thousand years of Eastern practice and recent Western medicine research testing have both proven the benefits of Chinese Herbs for a wide-variety of illnesses and ailments.

Can I take Chinese herbs with Western medications?
Always consult with your acupuncturist about combining Chinese herbs with Western medications. Many Chinese herbs fulfill similar functions as over the counter medications and it is important that your we know your full medical history before recommending treatment.

How often should I make appointments? How many will it take?
Your appointment schedule depends upon you're treatment plan which is informed by your constitutional health, the severity and duration of condition. Chronic illness may take longer, more frequent treatments, while some people find one or twice a month appointments sufficient for maintaining optimal health.

Are there any negative side effects of Acupuncture?
Response to acupuncture treatments varies. Studies show that 70% of patients feel an immediate response to treatment. Slight bruising at certain insertion points is the most common side effect. However, in traditional Chinese medicine this is viewed as a positive side effect: the blood accumulation and re-absorption into the system at certain meridian points helps prolong the positive realignment of qi.

How is Turning Point different from other practices?
Turning Point Acupuncture seeks to support people in optimal health by managing the challenges of the modern condition through Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are utilized, in addition to diet, exercise, and health management strategies to address both immediate and long-term health concerns. The practitioners at Turning Point tailor individual health maintenance programs to support those efforts.

Will insurance cover my visits?
Depending on your carrier and plan, different insurance companies may offer partial coverage of acupuncture as an out-of-network alternative medicine treatment. After every visit you will be provided with a medical receipt that lists a diagnostic code. It is the patient's responsibility to inquire with their insurance carrier about coverage. The Turning Point staff does not process referrals or other insurance paperwork.

What can I do to make the effects of my visit last longer?
If you are recommended Chinese herbs, take them as directed. A healthy diet and meditation are also useful tools in maintaining optimum health.

What happens in a session?
Session length varies and includes examination, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. You will meet with the acupuncturist to discuss your health concerns. After assessment and diagnosis, needles will be inserted. Your acupuncturist may also recommend incorporation of other traditional healing techniques in your session, such as cupping, Reiki, massage, auricular therapy. Once the needles are in, you will be left in the room for 15 - 30 minutes to absorb the treatment. A clinical assistant will remove the needles at the end of your session.

Can I listen to music or watch TV during a session?
All one-on-one sessions take place private rooms and we do not allow television or music during treatment. Turning Point is also now proud to offer Musical Mondays -Auricular Therapy. Please visit the Events page for more information.

Should I take acupuncture if I’m not sick?
Yes, acupuncture is an excellent way to maintain optimum health. The stress of modern life often goes undetected until manifested in physical illness. Regular acupuncture treatments work as a preventative measure in keeping the qi in balance.

What services other than acupuncture does Turning Point Offer?
We also offer Chinese herbs, Reiki, massage, medical qigong and Asian nutritional/dietary consultation.

What is the Turning Point environmental policy?
Turning Point is concerned about the environment and committed to reducing its impact on the environment caused by our purchases, processes and wastes. All of our office materials are responsibly sourced, including all recycled paper goods and products. We have reduced our use of high energy halogen lighting, use only energy-efficient computers, office machines and appliances. Forms and other paperwork are web based in order to conserve both paper products and the gas energy required for mail delivery. Where ever possible we re-use boxes and packing materials when shipping Chinese herbs and other therapeutic materials between suppliers and customers. Like many other ecologically minded New Yorkers, the Turning Point staff also uses public transportation to get to the offices. We encourage you to consider taking environmentally proactive steps such as these in your daily life as well.

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E. Shane Hoffman, DAOM, LAc

E. Shane Hoffman, DAOM, LAc

Clinical Director

Dr. Hoffman trained at the Oregon Oriental College of Medicine under the leading physicians of China, including Dr. Shizeng Yang, qigong therapist to the People's Republic of China Olympic Gymnastic team; and Dr. Gouhui Lui, author of TCM classics and male genito-urinary disorders including male infertility. While pursuing his studies, Shane was named to the national AIDS Activist Circle for his work in designing, creating and implementing an education, advocacy and peer support program for people living with HIV.

In Portland, Dr. Hoffman was part of the clinic team at The Institute for Traditional Medicine (ITM). The Institute is well known for its innovative work in developing protocols to apply Traditional Chinese Medicine to modern health issues such as HIV, CFS, MS, breast cancer, hepatitis, chronic pain and menopause. Shane also maintained a private practice in Oregon, treating everything from acne and allergies to shingles and tinnitus, with particular focus on athletic and performing arts related health. Since Dr. Hoffman joined Turning Point, over 20 years ago, he has earned a clinical doctorate (DAOM) with a double concentration in gynecology and geriatrics.

Having studied and practiced various traditions of Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Iyengar yoga and meditation for the past 33 years, Dr. Hoffman's work is deeply informed by these healing disciplines. Dr. Hofffman is board certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and licensed to practice by New York State. .

Theresa Palazzo, M.S., LAc

Theresa Palazzo, M.S., LAc


Theresa received her Masters Degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at Pacific College in New York City where she studied acupuncture, herbal medicine, qi gong and tui na.  In practice since 2007 Theresa initially dedicated her practice to treating athletes and performers during and after injury and has had the great honor to use this medicine to treat artists and crew from prominent companies in the fields of dance, music and theatrical entertainment.  She believes that everyone can benefit from this medicine, with focuses on preventative care for well-being, the treatment of pain syndromes, and complementary care during the treatment of disease.

Theresa practices the Mei Zen system of cosmetic acupuncture – an elegant treatment protocol based entirely on classical Chinese medicine – which allows for individualized treatments that address aging gracefully, while bringing vitality to the appearance of the face and neck through the use of needling and facial gua sha. 

Theresa is licensed to practice in New York and Connecticut and is a Board Certified Chinese Herbalist by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).  She has completed a 100-hour yoga therapy certification course as well as a 70-hour pediatrics certification and participates in an on-going basis in a small group clinical skills & supervision group with Elaine Stern and an herbal graduate mentorship program with Sharon Weizenbaum.